Leigh RAM Installation
25th January 2016
Following a successful year in the Mark chair at Leigh, Len Hart was installed as WC of Leigh RAM.
Brian Fox Prov.ADC, Ian Nairne Prov. Asst.PGM, Len Hart WW, and Ken Alker, RAMGR Special Rep.
The ceremony in lodge was carried out in a very capable manor by the out going Commander Derek Todd. No rest for Derek! after the ceremony he was appointed scribe of the lodge.
The principal guest for the evening was Assistant Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. Ian Nairn who was was accompanied by Brian Fox, one of our hard working Prov.AGDC's.
The Commander with the Grand Officers
Holders of RAMGR present were Ian Clark, Derek Wood and myself.
The Keystone Jewel address was given by W.Bro. Graham Bottomley Prov.RAMGR who was also acting as Lodge DC for the evening. Unfortunately the DC, Walter Lyon, could not be with us due to a Hospital appointment.
Time for a chat before dinner
After the ceremony the Brethren gathered together to toast the heath of the new WC in the traditional Leigh RAM manor. In his reply after dinner Ian thanked the brethren for their hospitality and said how good it was to be among friends he had known for many years.
Ian responds to No.3
After thanking the brethren for the donation to Mark Charities Ian encouraged everyone to continue enjoying their Mark and RAM Masonry.
Article and Photographs Courtesy of Ken Alker, PGJO, Special Representative